

My friend Betsy wrote a blog post today about being a full-time work-outside-the-home mom. In her post, she discusses the blurring of the line between work and home - i.e., checking the Blackberry while cooking dinner, changing diapers (impossible, I agree), talking with DH, etc. The one thing I have discovered since becoming a mom - I find it nearly impossible to even think about work while I'm home nowadays. Pre-baby, I easily could have obsessed over a coming meeting or deadline for the entire evening, up until I arrived at work the next day. Now, it's like a switch. I get in the car at the end of the day, and click, I'm in mom-mode. Some of that is because I have so much to manage at home. Some of it is because I'm so in love with my daughter.

This is new territory for me, a classic type A personality, perfectionist, over-achiever. It makes me feel like I'm not doing all that I should as an employee. A seasoned executive I used to work with said something very interesting to me a few months ago... she said she put a lot of emphasis on hiring working moms - she said they were the most efficient employees she knew. A working mom can get the job done. Ever since that lunch, I wonder if I'm living up to that expectation.

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