
wikis + strategy = a good idea

I am attending ASAE's Technology Conference today and tomorrow and had the opportunity to hear Anthony Williams, coauthor of Wikinomics. I thought one of the ideas that was presented was particularly interesting - the idea of using a wiki to design corporate strategy.

Think about it... strategic planning is usually left up to senior staff. And that's probably for a few reasonable (though not great) reasons - the time to integrate everyone's opinion can be prohibitive, and in some cases, maybe the senior staff have an insider's view into the industry (and the correlating connections) that enables them to more quickly assess the needs of the organization and industry. You could come up with a host of reasons.

Using a wiki to develop strategy would allow you to engage the minds of staff who are engaged and enthusiastic about the mission of the organization to have a hand in the direction of the organization. Using a wiki would allow you to diversify the voices that are influencing the direction of the organization. Using a wiki... you would never stop - your strategy could continuously evolve.

I love, love, love this idea.


eight things...

My pal Ben tagged me ages ago (in blog years...) with this meme. What don't you know about me? Geez... let's give it a try.

1. I love to bargain shop. Maybe that is clear from my Facebook page, but I even clip coupons occasionally for groceries. I think my husband thinks I'm nuts, but it's like a game to me.
2. I can be very competitive, which seems to surprise people often - I have no clue why! Of course, you, my dear reader, probably figured that out from #1.
3. I was the editor of my high school newspaper. While I'm not perfect, misspellings drive me crazy. I can spot 'em a mile away. My flaw? Commas. I overuse them.
4. I can now make up verses to "Wheels on the Bus" on the fly. I've gone as many as 12 without repeating!
5. I was totally bummed when Bob Barker left The Price Is Right. I always wanted to get on that game show.
6. Some of my early career jobs included working in drug rehab clinics, mental health clinics and hospitals and a hospice. I learned a lot.
7. My favorite wedding gift, besides my amazing husband, was my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I find baking to be therapeutic.
8. I have been kissed by Richard Simmons. Yes, it's true.